Rydyn ni’n cynnal sawl fforwm rhithwir. Wrth ddewis fforwm:

1) cliciwch ar eich gwlad gartref

2) dewiswch ddyddiad

Rydyn ni wedi creu rhai fforymau arbenigol, i ddarparu hyd yn oed mwy o ddiogelwch i chi rannu eich stori., to provide even more safety for you to share your story. These are for parents, coaches, women, LGBTQ+ and staff.  These specialised forums will be available to all the home countries.

Please note that we will normally have a maximum of 15 participants. The forums will use the Zoom platform. It should be easy to use, but if you need any help, email neu ffoniwch ni ar 0345 034 1105 a bydd rhywun ar gael i gynorthwyo.